Accessories > Gloves & Wristbands > Gloves > Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit

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Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit
Gloves with slits and holes, covered wit Product code: AGL1-305/20-L/XL

The gloves are available in 2 different sizes. Size S/M: length of the cuffs 33cm. Front circumference 15cm, elbow circumference 20cm. Size L/XL: length of the cuffs 35.5cm. Front circumference 18cm, elbow circumference 24cm.
Material: 90% Polyester, 10% Lycra

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22.00 €
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