Halloween > Accessories > Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05

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Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05
Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05
Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05
Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05
Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05
Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05
Kilt Bag red - matches SK2-002/05 Product code: ABA-010/04

A kilt bag fitting to kilt SK2-002/05. It is made of supple imitation leather with a red plaid cloth front. On top is a zipper for closing and in front are two strap fasteners. There are several pockets inside for phone, keys, money, etc.
Material: Polyurethane
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29.00 €
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